Friday, 1 November 2013

5 Most Beautiful Animals

5 Most Beautiful Animals

This list is dedicated to the most beautiful animals in the planet. These six beautiful animals were chosen strictly based on their popularity.

1. FOX

Fox - Ten Most Beautiful Animals
Foxes belong to the family of Canidae and they are usually a little smaller than your everyday domestic dog. There are about 37 different species that can be referred to as a fox. They usually have a narrow snout and a bushy tail. Of the 37 species only 12 actually belong to the original line of foxes. The most common species of foxes is the red fox. Foxes are usually thought to be very cunning. All in all they are magnificent animals; they are wild but absolutely beautiful.


Turtle - Ten Most Beautiful Animals
Turtles are basically reptiles. They are characterized by a shell that develops from their ribs and serve as a protective cover. The earliest known turtles date back to around 215 million years and are therefore considered to be the oldest members of the reptile family. The largest of turtles are aquatic though they do not lay eggs under water. They do breath under water though. When threatened these beautiful creatures can envelop inside their shells however, if rolled over they are very vulnerable.


Polar Bear - Ten Most Beautiful Animals
They belong to the family of bears. Polar bears primarily are natives to the Arctic Circle. They happen to be the largest carnivore on land. An adult male called a boar would usually weight between 350 to 680 kilograms. There are a total of nineteen polar bear subpopulations and eight of them are dangerously declining. They are classified as vulnerable species. This can primarily be attributed to large scale hunting. They are very important in the culture of Arctic human populations. Polar bear belong to the family or Ursidae.


Tiger - Ten Most Beautiful Animals
Tigers happen to be the largest species amongst cats with the total body length as long as 3.3 meters. They can weigh around 306 kilograms. These guys are the third largest land carnivores that roam the earth. They belong to the family of Felidae. Tigers have featured in ancient mythology and folklore and appear on many flags, coat of arms etc. It is hard to believe that the tigers are endangered. They are beautiful creatures especially so because of their coat. Their attack tactic revolves around stealth and they are pretty good at that.


Stallion - Ten Most Beautiful Animals
A male horse that has not been castrated is known as a stallion. I am actually really fond of these animals; I find them to be really graceful. A stallion is usually not an aggressive animal though that obviously depends on the kind of training. They require very careful management if you want perfection. The term stallion actually dates back to the era of Henry VII. They are herd animals but can be trained to take part in horse shows and horse racing etc..WHAT IS YOUR THOUGHT ON THIS LIST?